Travel Notes from Gorkha-Kathmandu, Nepal

12:22:00 PM Pinoy Boy Journals 0 Comments

Of course, i didn't wake up early enough to catch the sunrise in Gorkha. Amidst the hard beds, i was able to get some needed sleep after the unbelievable walk up to the Gorkha Durbar Square. It's very surprising, actually. I woke up instead, just in time for the bus ride to Kathmandu. Mind you, there are frequent trips to Kathmandu direct from Gorkha or Abu Khaireni. But there is only one bus leaving the opposite direction and at 6AM.

The trip was lonely, because once again, i'll be heading to civilization ( for the lack of a better term). But the view on the left side of the bus coming back to Kathmandu is beautiful. The deep blue Trisuli river was a feast of the eyes. We've passed several towns nearby the river which gave me an idea where to head next. Luckily, i was seated next to a friendly guy. A couple puja stops later, i was offered a considerable amount of oranges. Although he didn't talk much, i can sense the kindness in this man. Every now and then, he would point me to specific landmarks like the bridge, the dam, etc. I miss Bandipur so much, and it didn't help that Rukum sends me messages on Facebook asking how i am. :(

After five hours of traveling, i have arrived at Kathmandu Pokhara Bus Park. This babu was smiling at me like crazy the whole trip. This very lovely kid tucked on the shoulders of his mom made me miss my nephews a lot. I wanted to give the family a lift but they're heading to the opposite direction. With relatively penniless, i was off to Thamel. I know, very touristy. I paid the man 200 rupees instead of the 400 rupees originally quoted by other taxi drivers. After a couple of minutes, and less than 5 kilometers later, i have arrived at Pilgrims Guest House after more than a month. But alas, it was fully booked that day. They offered to take me to their partner hotel but didn't find these places welcoming to me. I went to get some money at nearby Western Union, and walked for a bit to look for a new place to stay for a few days. 

I am very thankful to my parents for continuously supporting my vision to travel. I don't know how will i survive without them. And a huge chunk in making this particular trip successful is because of them. I will see you guys soon. I can't wait to eat all the Filipino food i could savor, and absolutely do nothing for the next few weeks until I come back and start working again. I am already counting the days when i come back home so we can spend happy times again together. 

Going back, i stumbled upon a new towering hotel called Kathmandu City Hotel. From the looks of it, i know i am going to be spending a lot more. After coming from very spartan accommodations in the past few places i stayed, a hot shower, comfortable bed, and luxurious amenities are in order. I checked the price, and it's not as expensive as i thought it would be. And when i checked the room, and the view -- i knew i am staying here for sure. Shiva who greeted me at the front desk was very helpful, and even carried my huge backpack. Earlier, i went back to Pilgrims Guest House and told them i am transferring to another hotel. It was an amicable goodbye, and i stepped out excited to try Kathmandu City Hotel. 

The first thing i did was to fix my backpack, took a very long bath, and prepared to get some food. I haven't eaten anything solid that day. First thing in my mind was Funky Buddha's chicken snitzel burger which is absolutely divine. It was an early evening for me, to get some much needed rest after traveling for more than a hundred kilometers. And when i talk about 100 kilometers, that's Nepal road. You get the picture. 

I am sitting here at my hotel bed, overlooking a gloomy sky over Kathmandu. Kathmandu City Hotel is definitely my most luxurious stay in Nepal so far, but i must say it's good value. I am now friends with the people who own, managing the hotel. The managers who are long-time friends built this hotel just a few months ago. And Shiva, one of the owners, might just be a candidate for my best man in my wedding soon. He's a very friendly guy, and very honest, too. 

A day before, the whole hotel was peaceful. Today, a whopping 14-piece Spanish entourage came to check in. In addition, a rude group of Indian people ruined my breakfast with their loud noises, and constant complaining with poor attendants. Wake up people, you're in Nepal not in your own country. This country doesn't demand respect, it deserves one. 

I am waiting for my laundry as i write this. It seems it takes forever to dry my clothes because of the unbelievable 12-hour power cut-off everyday in Gandaki Zone, and gloomy weather forecast.I will write more about my experiences here at Kathmandu City Hotel tomorrow, and how I've proven again my enterprising bargaining skills as i haggle and haggle to give my nephews the best present ever.